Our story
Improve the solubility of plant protein
Plant protein has great benefits for people’s health. However, for some people who have poor digestion or has the hypoproteinemia, they are not able to absorb it well. It makes us think out how to solve this problem. We finally got an idea that the protein should be water-soluble and should have a smaller molecular weight. So, it can enhance the absorption much higher. More people can enjoy the nutrition benefits of plant protein. This is how we started.
Till now, we have eight types of water soluble protein, including water soluble rice protein,water soluble pea protein, water soluble soy protein,water soluble walnut protein,water soluble wheat protein,water soluble corn protein, water soluble momordica charantia protein,water solube mung bean protein.This give people more choices into protein nutirional world.

The better way of Protein Nutrition
It’s our goal to make all people enjoy protein nutrition in a better way
Water soluble protein powder has verified excellent absorption rate. It help people to improve immunity